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Our Story

Texoma Alliance to Stop Abuse (TASA) was founded in 2013 with one purpose in mind: to eliminate family violence in our community. We are committed to
doing this through community outreach, batterer’s intervention/prevention,
and our victim services.

TASA was started in loving memory of five-year old Katie Earnest who died at
the hands of her mother’s abuser.

We are dedicated to taking an active role in our community to increase the awareness of family violence.

TASA Birthday Wishlist

This July Texoma Alliance to Stop Abuse (TASA) is celebrating 11 years of service! TASA has provided free services to hundreds of victims of family violence in Hardeman, Foard, and Wilbarger counties.

All items on this list will help maintain our office to make it more inviting and victim-centered, meet direct needs of our clients, and help equip our staff with the supplies needed to keep up this important work. We hope to provide a homey/comfortable space for our clients as they come in seeking services.

Clients usually come in during crisis and have experienced trauma so having a safe space and supplies on hand to meet their immediate needs can be the first crucial step in their healing journey.

Our Programs

Victim Services

  • Counseling
  • Safety Planning
  • Financial Assistance

Domestic Violence High Risk Team (DVHRT)

Reviews high risk cases on family violence in conjunction with local law enforcement and the 46th Judicial Attorney’s Office.

Battering Intervention Prevention Program (BIPP)

27 week court ordered program for men who have abused a female partner

Community Training

We are dedicated to taking an active role in our community to increase the awareness of family violence.

TASA Events

Remembrance Walk

October 8th